Delight & surprise (a.k.a., the origin of Tessellati)

There’s more to a name than the meaning it accrues over time.  Moments of “breakthrough” leave in their wake immediate delight & surprise.

We get asked a lot—a lot, a lot—about the origin of our company’s name.  

Tessallati came to be when our founder Ben’s (then-fifth grader) Noah, during school presentation day,  explained a math project that stopped Ben cold:  

“Tessellations are an art pattern you can define with a mathematical equation.”   

That moment and a new suffix later, Tessellati became the long-awaited naming breakthrough improved on what had been mundanely Benjamin Waxman Communications.  

Like ancient divination practices, where signs and portents were sought in everyday events, the moment that bore Tessellati persists to encourage all of us, this client-focused team, to enable our deepest insights and strategies through eccentric mental reciprocity.  Encouraging all of us to recognize the patterns of business that indicate growth potential; to create the art that emerges from data analytics.  

Let your logical side bear your most inventive ideas.

Let your creative side find the artistry in rationale.

The activation of art through data, of freedom through precision.  

“Tessellati” reminds us that, here, patterns are defined, trends are discovered, and that we tessellate: seek out overlooked opportunities, nurture and variate on them until what was a blade of an idea reveals itself as a glade of solutions. 


Problem-solve like a kid


Generating funny-sounding writers